student equals human

student equals human

Jay Adams is a human. His students are human. As long as everybody remembers that, things go pretty well.

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I'm Jay Adams.  I've been a teacher since 2000.

I haven't written a referral or sent a student to an administrator for discipline in half a decade. I've raised my voice in class once in the last three years.

For a free 15-minute call to talk about how I make that work, click here to get on my calendar.

I'm not brilliant or magical. From people much smarter than me, I finally figured out: students are human. And if you treat them that way, they will run through walls for you.

Click the turquoise rectangle below to get started by signing up for the Sunday Spark. Or use the other boxes to read some of the points that come up again and again, whenever I talk to students or teachers.

Finally, you can head over to the Student Equals Human Blog for more content.