student equals human




I'm always looking for other humans who like to think about school.

You may be a teacher with an idea. Or maybe you don't have an idea yet, but you at least have a question.

You may be a parent or student looking for space to talk about what school feels like from your end of things. I think, as an industry, we pay far too little attention to you guys.

The world is full of people trying to find paint-by-numbers solutions to student engagement. Everyone wants the magic bullet that will work every time, on every person. Everybody wants the user manual. But there is no user manual. User manuals exist for the operation of objects--not people.

Working people requires artistry--not an checklist. If the checklist-thinkers drive you crazy, and you want to write about what works for you, please use the form below to submit a pitch. I only publish the things I am interested in. Them's the breaks.

Things I'd like to read about. You may have an idea that doesn't fit these categories. That's fine. Pitch it anyway.

  • How do you make them care when you teach [x]?
  • What do you do when they do something wrong?
  • What do we do at school that we should re-think?
  • When did you realize you had to change the way you teach?
  • How could we better honor the humanity and autonomy of our students?

Please complete the form below